About This & Us

You exist. This blog exists. Yay!

If you would like to email us, we would like that as well:

If you would like to Twitter-tweet with us, we would like that as well as well:

If you would like to hear some of Jesse’s musics, you may do so here:

And here are some of our less-recent posts that we especially like:
Everyday Life Is Amazing
All We Ever Wanted
What If Everyone Did What You’re Doing?
Money Misdirects Human Effort

Yup Yup.

So… We are humans.

adam jesse jessica

Our names are Adam, Jesse, and Jessica. Those are pictures of us. This is a picture of Mark:


Sometimes we’re also with Mark, but right now he’s wandered off.

We had this whacky idea of giving away our money, committing more to what we believe in, and participating less in the things we don’t. It’s a sort of living experiment with what is possible and we figured now’s a good time to travel around the world and set foot on every non-glacial continent too. So far so good! Our already optimistic suspicions have been exceeded; most people are mostly good most of the time. Put people in the right context and the right stuff usually happens. Is an anarchistic moneyless future devoid of coercion, oppression and private property achievable? We can’t say. But our experience so far has us convinced a better world is possible and more than ever it feels like we’re helping build it.

So in an effort to share our ideas about how to better ourselves and the world, Jesse and Adam started this here bloggy blog when we began this question-full endeavor alongside Mark, back in January of 2013. With Mark now aloof and Jess now along, nine penniless and wonderful months all over the United States and Canada lie behind and international experiences lie ahead. One day we may compile some sort of book-like thing, but until then we have this for documentation and, more importantly, idea pollination with lots of words, a small pile of photos, and the occasional video.

We refuse to be trapped by compromise and convention. We refuse to accept that the best possible world is one of exploitation, inequality and isolation. We refuse to be complicit through inaction and cynicism. With open minds we will listen and learn. With full hearts we will share. With ready hands we will work. And all the while we’ll have a hell of a lot of fun.

For we’ve found these aims are mutually supportive rather than exclusive. Striving for eternal patience, we are in no hurry. Seeking always to be present, we live each day and each moment where we are. Seeing more value in rejecting its use rather than in seeking its accumulation, we are not using money, nor barter, but rather giving freely what we can and taking freely what we need from those willing to give. Advocating for radical honesty, we seek openness and empowerment. We do not pretend we have the answers; we are living out our questions. But we believe in the power of communication and in love without limits. We believe in the possibility of dreams, the power of ourselves over our own lives, and the promise and potential of humanity.

Thank you for checking out our little nook in hyperspace. Please share your thoughts with us, stay true to what you believe in, and be that in all you do.

With love in solidarity,
Adam, Jesse, Jessica, and sometimes Mark

42 thoughts on “About This & Us

    • Forty Words or Phrases

      Jesus Christ and Darth Vader were hanging out one cold Monday night in Val d’Or, Quebec.

      Darth looked up from his newspaper and exclaimed “I can hardly wait for the New England Patriots game tonight. Real happiness shared — right buddy?”

      Jesus shifted uncomfortably under his blanket, sipped his hot chocolate and replied “Actually I though we might watch “The Godfather” on DVD”

      Darth rolled his eyes sarcastically and responded “Weeeeeeeee – the third time this month!”

      “Why be mean” pouted Jesus “it’s not all about football and Grand Prix racing you know”

      Darth took a deliberate bite out of the Big Mac he had salvaged from a nearby McDonald’s dumpster earlier in the evening “Christ — how many times do I have to tell you — it’s NASCAR in America! I suppose you want to talk about instant runoff voting in Montevideo, Uruguay again!”

      Jesus was upset and stared at the marshmallow swimming in his drink a few seconds before snapping back. “I’m sick and tired of your ambivalence towards catastrophic climate change.”

      “What the hell does that have to do with instant runoff voting?!” demanded Darth. “You might as well be talking about the Spanish Anarchy, 1937?!”

      Jesus wrinkled his nose and sniffed “I suppose you don’t like it when I listen to “Leonard Cohen Afterworld” on Radio Canada either!”.

      “That’s the problem with Jewish guys like you and Leonard — you never got over what the Roman Empire did to you so you hide behind linguistic elitism!” shot back Darth.

      “No Fascism Please!” whined Jesus. “If you had ever gone to school you would understand that you are just a Science Fiction character just like a unicorn”

      Darth was really angry now. He screamed back “Oh here comes the sixteen soporific soliloquies. How can you talk about that stuff when you won’t acknowledge the criminal intent of hitchhiking with hatchets or guillotines in Iraq?”

      Jesus could feel the heat of the lamp on his neck. He answered meekly “Everything is everyone’s — Le jambon et le fromage?” and offered over a mouldy ham and cheese sandwich.

      Darth took the peace offering, let go a wicked fart under his coat and muttered “Maudit câlice de tabarnac– notre Francais risible”

      Their desultory silence was interrupted by a little white dog that chased a pink dragon into the room, around the TV and back out of the doorway.

      “Dude,” said Darth as he rubbed his eyes in disbelief ”We gotta stop dropping that citric acid!

      “Amen Brother!” confirmed Jesus.

      All the Best
      Mark, Cindy, Emma, Oliver Sophie and of course Awesome Dawson

  1. We enjoyed meeting you three lovely souls on the bench outside the C&O Reastarant Saturday night. Hope you enjoyed your meal and the bar company. Good luck to you! Dave & Judy, C&O

    • Big thanks to you and Dave and Jean(sp?) and Mike for exemplifying the generosity and kindness of the human spirit that we know the world is full of yet so many too often forget is all around us! Our night and Charlottesville will be one we revisit in our minds time and again. Let us know when y’all hit the road again yourselves! Until then stay warm and stay awesome and if you’d like to stay in touch. We’ll get some more posts up here soon including some C-ville coverage. They oughta be a little more concise too. 😛

  2. Pingback: Just Having a Conversation | sowmanyreasons

  3. Pingback: Where Dat? Who Dat? | sowmanyreasons

  4. Hi guys! I met y’all randomly at a Bar in Florida and you explained to me your love for the Thrift Shop song by mackelmore! What country are you headed to?

    • Hey Lauren! Thanks for taking the time to drop by our blog and drop us a line! We’re currently in New Orleans, headed west to the Pacific where we’ll flip a coin and decide on which bordering country to hit first. After that, who knows?! But most likely for us right now seems to be Mexico by the end of the summer after some Canadian and Northwestern US adventure and prior to a bunch more Central and South American shenanigans in late 2013. Are you still in FL or back in NC? – Jesse

  5. Jesse-my kids and I so enjoyed meeting you outside of Mudd Puddles in Neosho, Missouri on Tuesday. My son told me you sounded even better than the Lumineers when you sang Ho Hey! We loved it! Your journey sounds fascinating. Wishing safe travels for you and Adam! I’m anxious to follow your blog…the world needs more people like you guys. As the Lumineers say; “Love. We need it now…” Thanks for bringing some to SW Missouri!

    • Thank you so much Anne! We had a wonderful time during our brief Neosho visit and that was due in no small part to you, Max and Lily! Those types of interactions, in the public spaces we too often hide from each other in, are what make the world a better place. Y’all taking the time to pull up in the van, listen and chat made my day. And thanks to you, we met some amazing people in Joplin too as we hunted down Art Feeds and subsequently met some awesome folks doing great things in that city.
      – Jesse

  6. Jesse & Adam,
    It was great meeting you both in Tulsa today. I enjoyed hearing of your journey. My students and I had an amazing time serving lunch at First Baptist Tulsa. I am humbled and heartbroken at the enormous need of those living in and around the Tulsa area. I know I will never be the same.
    Have a safe journey! You guys are making some incredible memories.

    God Bless,

    • Thanks Mikayla! That was a wonderful luncheon, and it was especially wonderful to meet people from all parts of the community here in Tulsa. I actually just posted about some of our experience in this city, though more focused on last night. It’s a lot to process sometimes. The gaps that exist between ourselves and those so close to us. The way so many people struggle in ways we may in some distant way guess at is overwhelming. We’ve encountered so many examples of people struggling in the face of adversity, failed and forgotten by the infrastructure of our society. And yet we’ve also witnessed, in these twelve weeks especially, an overwhelming abundance of kindness and generosity, of people giving whatever they have without expectation, and we think that a better world is possible. And we’re ever grateful for folks like you and for everyone who day after day does things that – big or small – make a real difference in a positive way for a better world. 🙂
      – Jesse

  7. Hey guys , just found the piece of paper you wrote your website on in my work pants. It was really nice talking to you three. You guys have seriously inspired me. Have an amazing journey. 🙂
    – The pizza girl in Austin, Tx.

  8. Hey, it’s that random girl from the bbq restaurant in Austin where you came in and got coffee. Sorry we couldn’t have talked longer, but I very much enjoyed the our talk of awesome places and incredible artistry. You guys really are living the dream. May your paths forever be blessed. Never stop wondering, never stop wandering.

    • Hey! Somehow I missed this earlier, but I’m so glad you took the time to write to us! How is everything in Austin? Are you pursuing your dreams? We’re currently in Montreal, Quebec, learning some French, reading about the way that the global economic system takes advantage of poor people around the world to the benefit of those of us in rich countries, and being excited by how different this place is from the US.

      Tell us more about you!

  9. It was nice meeting you guys!! Prayers are with y’all as your journey moves forward. Stay safe and continue your dreams!!
    -Subway Girl (:

    • Hey Michelle,
      Thanks so much! Our West Memphis days were among the craziest of the trip so far. Those storms were ridiculous! Since meeting you, Mark and I reached the Pacific coast and reconvened with Adam. Now Adam and I are in Vancouver after an elaborate loop around the Northern States and Canada, and Mark stayed back in Cali. How’s Arkansas life?
      – Jesse

  10. It was a pleasure meeting you!!! We admire what you’re doing Jesse and Adam. We at “Best Friends Family Diner” will think and talk of you often, I’m sure. Stay safe and good luck!!!!

    • HI Gail! It was great meeting you, Hannah and Jessica and thanks again for the awesome meal! It was a heck of a send-off from the States! Since walking out of your diner and over the border into Quebec, we’ve made it across Canada all the way to Vancouver! Please stay in touch and stay awesome! 🙂
      – Jesse

      • You two are amazing!!! All the way to Vancouver, WOW!!!! Thanks for the kind words, I will pass them on to the girls. Keep embracing life and all it has to offer, life is to short!

  11. Someone once told me that every single person you meet in life, has its purpose….no matter how long or short you spend with them. My moment with you two will enrich many lives and feed many dreams……From my family, godspeed


  12. Good luck and safe travels … I hope you accomplish everything you hope to and take in as much of life and experiences as possible .. 😉

    • Hey Jason! Thank you! 🙂 Did you see our Timmins-centric blog entry featuring you and your videos?


      We made it to and through Wawa, in spite of that epic, desolate westward road. The food you gave us provided some much-needed sustenance during our wait, one that indeed took awhile. Hope the East Side Mario’s crew is doing well and please stay in touch!

      – Jesse

  13. It was such a joy to meet you two yesterday. You certainly enriched our ride to Thunder Bay. Marty and Hawkeye hated to see you go. Hawkeye, the little thief, certainly loved those doughnuts. We had a wonderful day today visiting with dear friends, and tomorrow we plan some sightseeing. We wish you Godspeed, and safe travels.

    Susan and Keith

    • Thanks y’all! We had a wonderful time getting to know you while taking in the awesome Lake Superior sights! How was camping? No more trouble with blown out tires on the trip back to Iowa I hope….

      We got picked up by a band on tour after you dropped us off. A couple of awesome musical days ensued in Thunder Bay and Winnipeg and since then we’ve made it all the way to Vancouver! Canada has treated us very well. I hope it was the same for you this time around.

      Maybe we’ll cross paths again somewhere between here and Iowa and Canada again. In the meantime please stay in touch, stay awesome, and keep sharing (and more importantly, embodying) the good news!

      – Jesse

  14. Hey, its Jacob (the dude that took you to Big Sur). hope you guys and gal had a good time enjoying the views around big sur, and I cant wait to see where else you go!

    Here’s hop’n for the best on your long trip!


    • Hey Jake! For some reason I’m just seeing this now… We are in Florida at the moment. The West Coast was awesome to us, and we made it all the way to Loreto in Baja California Sur, Mexico. But we turned around and came back to the States for a diversion back to Athens, GA to work on a radical grassroots mayoral campaign there. Now that’s over and we’re back on the road, Southbound to Latin America. We’re hoping boats and their captains will be kind and giving to us much like cars and their drivers (and you) have been! Stay in touch. 🙂
      – Jesse

  15. Pingback: What’s This Aboot? | sowmanyreasons

  16. It’s Michael (the Soldier with the blue truck), I’m glad i was able to help even a little (although if i was alone i would’ve take you guys Alot farther) ill be keeping an eye on the blogs and wish you guys the best and keep on keeping on :D.

    • Thanks, Michael! We had a great time at the lake last night. Got some good swimming in and everything. Then after a night of camping, we started today out with two epic rides and have made it to Gainesville! Please stay in touch and keep being awesome. Your three kind acts per day approach to living is inspiring and a gift to the world. 🙂
      – Jesse

  17. hey, this is Hana, just checking in…in seattle yet? jassica, shoot me an e-mail/call if u want to come back on saturday. I wish Amy would be old enough to go with u guys…


    • Hi Hana! We did make it into Seattle quite easily after leaving your house. And since then I have made it to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho! Jess is still in Seattle and she has your info. I think she’ll be contacting you soon. Thank you so much again for everything. It was wonderful meeting you and Noemi and I hope our paths cross again soon. 🙂
      – Jesse

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